From the Desk of Ryan Binkley, President & CEO of Generational Group – September 2021
By Generational Group
I hope you, your family, and loved ones are safe and that you were able to spend some time away from the office and have some relaxing fun this past summer.
One of the most important concepts that we examine in our Growth and Exit Strategy Conferences is that “one buyer is no buyer”. Intuitively you know how important that is. If you have successfully sold a house, you know that having as many offers as possible only drives the price up. And having more than one option is important, because all offers are structured differently.
The same is true when you begin your exit from your business. We recently analyzed the importance of finding the “right” buyer for a business in one of our Insight articles. I thought you might find it helpful as you contemplate the right exit strategy:
Here’s another important issue to consider. Why do deals fall apart, and what are my alternatives if that happens? The short answer is this: Having several back-up buyers is vital. I once had an experienced dealmaker tell me that “a deal is not a deal until it dies three times”. So, finding as many optimal buyers as possible to have interest in your company is critical. The challenge is balancing the process of finding and negotiating with multiple potential buyers while still running your business!
That is why Generational, and our entire team, stand ready and committed to help guide you on your successful exit journey, and help you leave a lasting legacy for years to come.
There’s a huge difference between leaving an inheritance, and leaving a legacy. Leaving a legacy is not easy, and it requires intentionality and purpose. We’d be honored to help you in that endeavor.
If you are interested in learning more, I would invite you to attend one of our Growth and Exit Strategy and Exit meetings. Please call us at 972-232-1121 or send an email to info@generational.com for more information.
In closing, we once again wish you, and your loved ones continued safety and good health during this time.
Ryan Binkley
President & CEO, Generational Group