From the Desk of Ryan Binkley, President & CEO of Generational Equity – September 2017

By Generational Group


Hello and welcome!

One question we often hear at our exit planning conferences is this: Why should I hire an M&A advisory firm to help me sell my company?

Our lead article this month provides you with some great information on the answer to that question. One of the key pieces of research on this topic provided by Axial (a leading service provider to the M&A industry) was this:

  • A 2016 study asked CEOs who had recently sold their businesses with the help of an investment banker whether their advisor added value. For a full 100% of respondents, the answer was yes, with 69% reporting a “significant” impact.
  • Eighty-four percent of the owners achieved a final sale price equal to or higher than the initial estimate provided by the advisor.

Based on input from our clients, I would say that this data is pretty accurate. In addition, not only do we help our clients achieve greater business valuations, having Generational Equity dealmakers involved also tends to speed the process up and better prepares the business for the transition to a new owner. But just don’t take my word for it, listen to some input from our clients:

Just as with these business owners, Generational Equity is always here to assist with your exit journey. Over the past several years no M&A advisory firm has helped more lower middle-market companies (companies with valuations up to $150 million) successfully exit their business than we have. This is based on Thomson Reuter’s research which you can see by following this link:

In addition to our rankings, we have also been recognized by The M&A Advisor, a leading M&A association, as the Investment Banking Firm of the Year in 2016, the Valuation Firm of the Year in 2014 and 2015 and the M&A Consulting firm of the Year in 2011 and 2013.  

Our skilled dealmakers are experienced in finding and negotiating with optimal buyers and we are ready to meet with you and discuss your specific opportunities.  

Because 2017 and 2018 are expected to see strong buyer interest in the lower middle-market, we are encouraging you to reach out to us if you are interested in attending an exit planning conference or if you prefer a face-to-face private meeting to discuss your options. We believe that it is vital for business owners to develop succession plans that will protect and defend the significant equity they have built into their businesses. And NOW is the time to begin the process.

So please call us at 972-232-1121 or send an email to if you would like to attend a conference in your area or if you are considering a meeting with us.

And feel free to subscribe to our corporate blog using this link:

Subscribing will allow you to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in M&A planning and provide timely research to give direction as you consider your exit timing and strategies.

Thank you for your time and I wish you all the best for the remainder of 2017!  

Ryan Binkley

President & CEO, Generational Equity