Jun 2018 | California

Aqua Regia Acquired By Pharmacy Alternatives

Pharmacy Alternatives acquired Generational Equity client Aqua Regia Inc. on June 1, 2018.

Aqua Regia, based in Redding, California, is comprised of a retail pharmacy and a closed-door pharmacy that delivers medicine to long-term care facilities and care providers. The company also provides medical supplies and equipment.

Pharmacy Alternatives is a leading national provider of pharmacy services to group homes, assisted living facilities and other homes and facilities, with a focus on serving complex populations and seniors. The closed-door, long-term care pharmacy is one of the few pharmacies in the nation specializing in serving persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Pharmacy Alternatives is known for exceptional service, uses state-of-the art packaging and dispensing technology specifically designed for those with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities and provides options with types of medical records delivery via a responsive medical records team.

Additionally, the company offers pharmacist and nurse-driven clinical supports for nurses, staff, and consumers. It is based in Louisville, Kentucky.

Generational Equity Senior Managing Director Stephen Crisham’s team, led by James Hermann with support from VP Lori Galloway, successfully closed the deal. Senior Managing Director Thomas Braun established the initial relationship with Aqua Regia.

“This was a transaction that came to a successful conclusion due in large part to the cooperating effort by both parties and their advisers,” said Hermann.

“It was a pleasure to be part of such a successful transaction that allowed our clients to benefit from all their years of hard work.”

Generational Equity has enjoyed a particularly high level of success in this sector, completing an impressive number of transactions within the pharmaceutical and wider healthcare industries.

If you would like to explore other transactions our associates have supported in this industry, visit our dedicated Healthcare & Life Sciences page.

If you would like to explore other transactions our associates have supported in this industry, visit our dedicated Retail page.

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