Mar 2007 | Boston
A&F Networking acquired by NetTeks
Generational Equity, an international leader in middle market mergers and acquisitions, recently advised Connecticut-based A&F Networking, on its sale to NetTeks Technology Consulting, Inc., of Boston. A&F Networking provides managed services, security and Cisco unified communications solutions to customers throughout Connecticut and New York. NetTeks Technology Consulting is a premier provider of business continuity, security, voice/data convergence and managed services solutions to mid-market clients throughout New England.
Managing Director Doug Smith, Senior M&A Advisor Mike Ryan, Assistant Vice President Matt Kneifl and Evaluation Associate Mike Meredith led Generational Equity’s deal team in negotiating the transaction on behalf of the client. In addition to its recent representation of A&F Networking, Generational Equity is currently making a market for nearly 400 middle market companies across North America and overseas, matching them to prospective buyers in North America and Western Europe.
Generational Equity is an international leader assisting privately held, middle market clients in mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. The firm’s mission is to release the Generational Equity (hence, the name “Generational Equity”) that is in every business. After 20 years of growth, the Generational Equity group of companies has more than 300 professional advisors located in offices worldwide. Aside from its headquarters in Dallas, Texas, Generational Equity has U.S. affiliate offices in New York, Chicago and Irvine, Calif., and international affiliate offices in London, United Kingdom and Zurich, Switzerland. For more information, contact Generational Equity’s Dallas headquarters by calling (877) 213-1792 or via e-mail to info-us@genequityco.com.
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