Why you need to use M&A Professionals

By Generational Equity


The process of selling a business is a team sport, and as a business owner you need the right people alongside you on the field to help you achieve your financial goals. This goes beyond just the support of your management team; it extends to the advisors that you choose to bring on board and guide you through the process. In order to prepare and position your business for achieving an optimal deal, it’s imperative to have the right team around you. This will involve input from a number of M&A professionals, all of whom bring unique expertise when it comes to achieving the best outcome for you and your business.

Valuations Team

The number one question you’ll have to answer before taking your company to market is ‘what is my business worth?’. It’s the job of your evaluation team to ask the right questions in order to analyze your business’s current worth and uncover its hidden value. By the end of this process you’ll have an understanding of how much your company is worth and can begin deciding how you wish to proceed.

Exit Strategy Advisors

Whether or not you choose to take your business to market immediately, an exit strategy team will help you to assess your current situation and plan your next move. Our team will provide you with a complimentary Roadmap to Enhancing Value which identifies a number of opportunity areas within your business, helping to drive your company forward and ultimately increase its value. The Roadmap includes two free updates, meaning that whenever you decide to go to market, your business will be in a relevant and favorable position.

Deal Team

Your deal team are responsible for distributing the marketing documentation associated with your business. They will ensure that your investment opportunities are made known to the widest possible market of potential entities ranging from private equities to offshore buyers; all with the intention of creating a limited auction for your company.

When you begin to attract offers, the deal team will be able to ascertain those who have a genuine interest in progressing the deal from those who are unlikely to result in a sincere offer. The deal team will then negotiate on your behalf, assisting in the completion of all paperwork to make sure your business sells to the right buyer, at the right price.

Our team of over 200 M&A professionals have decades of experience guiding clients at every stage of the M&A process. If you would like to learn more, sign up to one of our complimentary business workshops.