How to Complete the Optimal Exit Strategy: Overcoming Obstacles

By Generational Equity


“Generational Equity did a really good job for me. They were the confessor, they were the psychologist – they just did everything. It’s a pretty up and down session. Like with anything, you need a plan and you need a roadmap.” – Mike Polarek, A Successful Sale: Overcoming Obstacles

Whether you drive to work or use public transportation, the daily commute often provides a short period of reflection for workers and business owners alike. For Dallas-based Mike Polarek, his return journey to Houston gave him over six hours of thinking time every week.

During one of these journeys, Mike realized just how long the road ahead was. For two decades, Mike devoted nearly all his time to growing his company, Paragon Packaging, and like many other successful business owners, he hadn’t given much thought to his own future destination.

It was only after attending one of Generational Equity’s executive conferences that Mike gained a better understanding of the M&A process and how to avoid the common pitfalls of planning an exit strategy. Thanks to the guidance of our M&A professionals, Mike gained the confidence and support he needed to sell his business to an optimal buyer.

“We chose to go to one of the conferences and eventually decided that it would be a good idea to sign up,” explained Mike. “The timing was right and it looked like a good opportunity.”

Our advisors at Generational Equity inform business owners on how to determine the value of a company and assist you in completing an exit strategy with a professional approach.  Our Managing Director of Mergers and Acquisitions, Tom Staszak, quickly found an interested buyer for Mike’s business. However, the road to selling a business isn’t always a smooth one and Mike quickly realised he would face obstacles during his experience.

“Here is where you suddenly realise how valuable time is”

“We were only 24 hours away from closing the deal. The money was ready to change hands then we had a significant event. It was no-one’s fault, but we had to call it off,” Mike stated. 

Despite this setback, we never gave up hope that this deal could be salvaged. There was never any intense pressure on Mike to get the deal done; Tom continued to advise and support him throughout any challenges to push negotiations forward and iron out any issues. Three weeks later, the deal was closed.

“You need somebody to hold your hand. The last 20 years I wasn’t buying or selling my company, we were trying to build our company, so you need a professional to guide you through that.” Mike stated, “I certainly couldn’t have done it by myself – Generational Equity helped me through one the pivotal points in my life.”

Mike isn’t the only business owner we have assisted in selling their company. Each with their own story, below our clients review how Generational Equity supported them through the M&A process and helped them close their deals with confidence.

Are You Ready for a New Destination?

As a business owner, you will have clocked many miles to build your company to where it is today. But, will you be ready for when the road starts to feel longer for you?

Before Mike attended one of our executive conferences, he had no idea how long the selling process could take, especially without a professional approach. By allowing time to plan his exit strategy with the guidance of one our key M&A advisors, the deal was neither rushed nor forced to a quick completion that was not optimal for Mike.

Whether you are looking to start your new journey, or just want to gain a better insight on how to plan for your future, attend one of our complimentary executive conferences. As a leading merger and acquisitions firm, our team at Generational Equity provides you with a comprehensive look into the M&A process, from company evaluation and growth strategies to negotiations and deal structuring.

In return for just a few hours of your time, you will receive the necessary information, support, and guidance to plan your optimal exit strategy.

Begin your journey today and find your nearest complimentary executive conference or contact one of our M&A advisors for more information.