Generational Group Reaches M&A Landmark with 1,100 Closed Transactions

By Generational Group


We are pleased to announce that Generational Group has closed its 1,100th transaction.

We closed our 1,000th deal in April and we remain on track to shatter our 2020 record for number of deals closed. Generational deal closings are up 60% YTD over 2020.

According to David Fergusson, Executive Managing Director, M&A and Technology Practice Leader, “Closing our 1,100th transaction is a significant achievement in the investment banking industry, a meaningful reward for the diligence and commitment of our dedicated team.”

“While our achievements have been significant across the country, we can point to the dramatic growth of our Eastern North American region as a key factor in this year’s record-breaking results.”

Chief M&A Officer Brenen Hofstadter said, “While M&A has been cyclical, we are now experiencing something that has been anticipated my entire 30-year career – the beginning of the M&A SuperCycle fueled by the retirement of the baby-boomer generation. This will result in $10 Trillion+ of aggregate deal values and liquid wealth transfer.”

With offices in 16 cities, Generational is a leading investment banking firm for privately held businesses and is consistently ranked as one of the top middle-market investment banks in North America.

Our organization was founded to help business owners reach their personal and financial goals, creating a legacy for generations. Our associates are committed to helping successful entrepreneurs attain a meaningful and purposeful next phase of their lives.

Terry Johnson, Chief Revenue and Strategy Officer, added, “Our success as a firm is driven by each associate’s dedication to our Core Values and a passionate commitment to serving our clients. We have great momentum and I congratulate our entire team of M&A professionals on this momentous achievement.”

We have maintained our leadership position by providing world-class client service and unmatched deal making capabilities. According to Refinitiv, in 2020 Generational was once again ranked as the #1 middle market investment bank in deals closed for valuations up to $25 million and #2 up to $100 million.

We were also ranked #8 in deals valued up to $500 million and 11th in deals up to $1 billion, an impressive achievement for a middle market investment bank.

The awards and recognition are especially noteworthy, given Generational is only 1 of 2 privately held investment banks in the Top 10 $500 million rankings.

Ryan Binkley, President and CEO, stated “I am extremely proud of our team and their hard work over the years to reach this incredible level of success. Our foundational goal is to serve our clients by helping them both define and discover the life they want for themselves and their loved ones. This is the purpose that fuels our passion to succeed.”

Binkley added, “It is a real honor and tremendous privilege to work with entrepreneurs to help them reach their financial and personal dreams.”

If you’d like to learn more about our firm and our approach to helping clients unlock the true potential of their exit plans, visit the following links:

Carl Doerksen is the Director of Corporate Development at Generational Equity.

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