From the Desk of Ryan Binkley, President & CEO of Generational Group – May 2021

By Generational Group


I hope you, your family and loved ones are safe and well!

I am very excited to announce that in April of 2021, Generational reached an amazing landmark event in the investment banking industry:

I am so very proud of our team of exit planning professionals! The years of hard work, dedication to our core values, and diligence all paid off in our ability to reach this tremendous accomplishment.

I agree with how Brenen Hofstadter, our Chief M&A Officer, summed this all up:

“Closing our 1,000th transaction is a significant achievement in the investment banking industry. We have an amazing team and this milestone is a testament to their diligence and commitment to our clients. What is really most rewarding for us is that each of these transactions represents a business owner and the financial legacy for their families, making this accomplishment even more significant.”

Our entire team stands ready to help guide you on your successful exit journey as well!

If you are interested in learning more about our core values and how we can apply them to your business, or if you are interested in attending one of our growth strategy and exit planning executive meetings, please call us at 972-232-1121 or send an email to

In closing, we once again wish you, and your loved ones continued safety and good health during this time.

Ryan Binkley
President & CEO, Generational Group