Grow smart. Sell smart.

What’s my business worth? What are my options? How important is timing?

At Generational, we help you get answers to questions like these that are critical when exiting a business. We walk you through the nuances of today’s market, enterprise valuation, the importance of timing, and much more. Let’s get answers to your questions today. Complete the form or call us at 469-828-2850.

We also invite you to consider attending the Growth and Exit Strategies Conference. Watch the preview video to learn more.


$ 0 Million

Ranked # 1 in closed transactions
up to $25M

$ 0 Million

Ranked # 2 in closed transactions
up to $50M

$ 0 Million

Ranked # 2 in closed transactions
up to $100M

Growth and Exit Strategies Conference

“One of the smartest investments you will ever make is learning how to prepare your business for the market.”

We offer an executive, masters-level conference that gives you must-have knowledge on successful growth and exit strategies, including business valuation and value enhancement tactics to determine how and when to sell a business for optimal value. This is transformational for business owners wanting to prepare their business for the market.

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have attended the Growth &
Exit Conference


Number of successful transactions we’ve guided our clients through

Grow smart. Sell smart.

The first steps you take on your M&A journey are critical. You can trust our experience.

Generational is Ranked #1 in transactions up to $25 million and #2 in transactions up to $50 and $100 million. Imagine what we can do for you.  Complete the form or call and speak with a senior business advisor today to learn your options: 469-828-2850